The fact that all of us were even able to find the lake house in the middle of nowhere Tennesse was a miracle in and of itself. Friday started off peaceful and relaxing...
Not a care in the world except fresh summer air and the smell of burning noodles...
Aww burnt noodles. I didn't really know that you could burn noodles. But it gave dinner that nice woodsy, cooked over an open flame taste...yum! I love you Manda!!!!
The house had a hammock, which I enjoyed, and came very close to falling asleep in. Don't look too closely at this picture though...It's really not all that attractive. And the house had a foosball table.
That's all you really need in life, a hammock and a foosball table...right? Anyway Saturday is when all the excitment happened...
We spent the day on the lake, boating and tubing and jumping off of bridges. We all tried standing up on the tube with minimal amounts of success...I kind of think it was more fun falling off the tube anyway. We also tried to shove as many people as possible on the tube, also with minimal success.
In between taking turns on the tube there was a lot of hanging out and soaking up some sun.
It was a little disturbing how brilliantly pale I was next to these girls. I think I need to get out of the office more often.
I think everyone had a good time on the lake. The weather was perfect almost the entire time and only a couple of us sustained minor lake related injuries. So after a full day being out in the sun we decided to pamper ourselves...with Mary Kay facials.
Yes, even the boys
Well not all the boys. But they reclaimed their masculinity with s0me foosball, so all was right with the world
What an awsome group of people to spend the weekend with and enjoy Christian fellowship. Note to self...get out of the house more often and socialize with friends.
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